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CorticalRNN architecture

Setup and architecture of the CorticalRNN


The cortex plays a crucial role in various perceptual and cognitive functions, driven by its basic unit, the canonical cortical microcircuit. Yet, we remain short of a framework that definitively explains the structure-function relationships of this fundamental neuroanatomical motif. To better understand how physical substrates of cortical circuitry facilitate their neuronal dynamics, we employ a computational approach using recurrent neural networks and representational analyses. We examine the differences manifested by the inclusion and exclusion of biologically-motivated inter-areal laminar connections on the computational roles of different neuronal populations in the microcircuit of hierarchically-related areas, throughout learning. Our findings show that the presence of feedback connections correlates with the functional modularization of cortical populations in different layers, and provides the microcircuit with a natural inductive bias to differentiate expected and unexpected inputs at initialization, which we justify mathematically. Furthermore, when testing the effects of training the microcircuit and its variants with a predictive-coding inspired strategy, we find that doing so helps better encode noisy stimuli in areas of the cortex that receive feedback, all of which combine to suggest evidence for a predictive-coding mechanism serving as an intrinsic operative logic in the cortex.


All architecture files are provided as .py files in the “architectures” folder. These include:

All task implementations can be found in the file

The folder “recon-loss” trains the architectures using the reconstruction loss while the folder “pc-loss” trains the architectures using two-phase training which uses the predicitive-coding loss.

When running the notebooks, make sure the notebook itself, the data_generator, and architecture file are all in the same folder.

The folders also contain a notebook “plot-generator” that produces all plots corresponding to the task.

The notebook “no-time-delay-microcircuit” trains the microcircuit without time delays on the sequence memorization task.